Ever heard of this arcade game and have been curious about it, but never knew how to get it running on your PC?
Have heard of the things you need but never figured out how to put each thing together for that to work?
Or even worse – did you get it running but got THIS card error at the start so you couldn’t even play it?

Well…that’s what I’m here for, because I just happened to set WMMT3 myself at my PC recently, and wanted to write a simple step-by-step guide on how YOU can get to play this game.
Surprisingly enough, WMMT3 doesn’t run on a Windows-based PC arcade board, but a Linux one…but Teknoparrot can still get the game to run on Windows PCs just fine. So yeah, you need to use it for Windows.
You grab TPBootstrapper here, you launch it and choose the folder where you want Teknoparrot to get downloaded at [it will ask you – make it the folder you want] and then you do that. I won’t focus on the details of that here, but it shouldn’t be difficult to figure out on your own.
For Bandai Namco sized legal reasons, I won’t provide any links to where download the game here – you’re on your own for that.
But what I CAN tell you here is how the game files should look if you get your hands on them yourself.
So, let’s say, you get your hands on the Export version, “Wangan Midnight Maximum Tune 3 (Export).7z” and the contents look like this:

That’s A-OK. You just have to extract those files somewhere, and then extract v337-2.dec into a folder where you want to have those games. When you do, you shold get these files inside [minus the teknoparrot.ini file which is created in TP after you configure the game].
If the extraction finishes but a few errors about symbolic links appear, that’s also fine. Just disregard and close it.
That .dec file probably has a different name if it is the Japan version, but should be obvious that the files are inside if it is a singular 2GB file.

If the contents of the archive you found already look like the extracted files, then that should work fine too.
If you want to be able to save your progress when you play, you need to set this up before you even launch the game – or else you’ll get that error I mentioned at the start.
So I recommend doing this before actually configuring the game in Teknoparrot.
You need to download YACardEmu – the latest version will always be linked here, but if you haven’t downloaded from Github before, know that you have to click there [YACardEmu-Release.zip]

Extract it somewhere you remember, because you have to launch it whenever you are about to play. But you can extract it in a folder inside the WMMT3 files if you wish.

Note that when extracted, it will include a config.ini.sample fiile…but it needs a config.ini file.
You can rename it to remove [sample] out of the extension, but even if you do that and launch YACardEmu.exe, it won’t just work yet and give you the following error:
[critical] Invalid target device:
That’s because you need to change config.ini yourself to have the paths configured…but I can help you streamline this a fair bit.
Open the config.ini file with your Notepad program of preference and you’ll see this.

But instead of telling you how to modify all of this…I’ll streamline to a simple few steps.
First, delete ALL of that and paste what is here below.
[config]basepath = C:\WMMT3\mycardserialpath = \\.\pipe\YACardEmutargetdevice = S31Rautoselectedcard = card.bin
Then, you have to change the directory set in basepath to whatever place you want your card to be stored at. It doesn’t matter if its stored anywhere outside of the WMMT3 or YACard folder.
So for example, if I want it to be in…say, “C:\Games\Wangan Midnight Maximum Tune 3 (Export)\mycard”, I change what’s in basepath to:
[config]basepath = C:\Games\Wangan Midnight Maximum Tune 3 (Export)\mycardserialpath = \\.\pipe\YACardEmutargetdevice = S31Rautoselectedcard = card.bin
If YACard detects a valid directory set to save/load the card at, it should launch and look like this on standby.

Make it sure it says Running below Starting API server. If it isn’t, restart the program.
That means YACard should be A-OK to create a new card in the folder you set it to when you start the game – and load it whenever you press the Insert Card button on the right screen.
And that means its finally time to…
When you run Teknoparrot, you click there, click Add Game and then find “Wangan Midnight Maximum Tune 3” on the list of games.
Note that all of what I’m covering here SHOULD work with WMMT3DX and DX+ as well, but I haven’t tried those since they are only usable with a subscription as of writing this (Any game that requires one will have “(Subscription)” besides the name – so if you read this guide in the future and those DON’T have that…it means they were set to free to play).

Then you select WMMT3 in the Game List, add it, and go to Game Settings while its selected, giving you this screen.

First, click on the empty field below Game Executable and find the “main” file inside the WMMT3 folder. It doesn’t have an .exe extension, but TP should recognize it for selection.
And then, this is what each option below iot does accordingly – adjust as you see fit:
- Input API: Can be DirectInput or XInput.
- Use DirectInput if you want to play with keyboard or you know your controller uses DInput [or is visibly old].
- If your controller doesn’t work or you know it should use XInput [like, say, you have an Xbox controller], set it to XInput.
- Windowed: Runs the game in a window if checked. Up to you.
- Skip LAN: Skips the LAN check at the start. If you are playing alone, this is recommended to save time.
- GPU Fix: Can be set to None or INTEL.
- In my case, I have an AMD GPU, so it worked well at None. While I don’t know how well the game works in Intel GPUs, you should obviously set it to INTEL if you have one.
- Framelimiter: Checked by default, leave it like that.
- CustomResolution: Allows you to change the game resolution to whatever you set it in the ResolutionWidth and ResolutionHeight fields.
- If you don’t enable CustomResolution, the game will ALWAYS run at 640×480, whether windowed or fullscreen. But with CustomResolution, you can set it to whatever you want.
- It is also compatible with widescreen resolutions – while the HUD and menus will be stretched, 3D assets in menus as well [the cars] as well as the game itself will have the proper aspect ratio.
- There’s a few screenshots attached below on how the game looks at 1280×720 custom res.
- Use Keyboard/Button for Axis: Checked off by default, but allows keyboard keys and digital buttons to be used for steering and the pedals – so I recommend you turn it on to be able to map whatever buttons you want to Accel/Brake/Left/Right.
- Keyboard/Button Wheel Sensitivity: Sets the digital sensitivity of the steering. I have played mostly fine with the default but that’s up to you to tinker with.
- Keyboard/Button Pedal Sensitivity: Sets the digital sensitivity of the pedals. It is set low by default…but I use it at the max sensitivity since it otherwise feels like the pedals have an imaginary travel time.
- …and finally, I don’t know what the Score options do, but they don’t seem to be important here :p
After you’re done with setting all of those and hit Save Settings, go click the Controller Setup button to setup your keys.

Map these buttons as you see fit:
Here’s a few notes:
- Perspective Switch is the Change View button – changes between first person and chase cam in-game.
- Interruption Switch seems to…flash your headlights. The game refers to it as the Challenge Button, and is also used to navigate in the menus when you check your card settings, so I have it mapped.
- Use Gear Shift Up and Down instead of the separate Gear Shifters for good measure if you play MT.
- For some reason, when I tried using the Gear 1-6 options, I would have to then hold the corresponding gear button if I wanted to avoid it going into Neutral after a second of letting go of it.
- Perhaps works fine if you have an actual physical 5-6 gear shifter to use with the game, but if you don’t, just use the Up/Down shifts for good measure.
- Wheel Axis Left/Right only appears if the Keyboard/Button for Axis option is enabled. If it isn’t, it will only show Wheel Axis instead.
- Insert Card does what it does: It inserts your card when the game asks you for it. If you want to play with card saving, make sure to have this button mapped.
- If you want to remove a mapping from a certain button, right click it with the mouse.
- And no, the game doesn’t have a Start button. Don’t worry about that.
You hit Save Settings and…that’s almost it.
Go into the ‘env\tmp\data’ folder inside WMMT3’s game files and check if there is a testmode.lua file. If there isn’t, create one and then paste the contents of this Pastebin there – which is already configured. The game will automatically be set into Free Play as a bonus :]
It should sit alongside these other files:

If there is one, then go into the area that says I/O TEST and replace the contents with this:
-- I/O TEST, I/F INITIALIZECalibrationSteering = 32768CalibrationGas = 0CalibrationBrake = 0CalibrationMotorCenter = 511
This basically addresses an oddity with the game not being calibrated from the start causing your car to slightly veer to the right even when you aren’t steering at all. If you create the testmode.lua yourself and paste the contents of the pastebin, it won’t be necessary since said pastebin’s settings already has this applied to it.
You can also disable the Card Reader through testmode.lua…but this game is better played with a card/save due to how progression in Story Mode and 10 Outrun assume you are playing with a progressively tuned car.
Once you are done with the game and controller setup, first…
Remember that you were supposed to have that setup to avoid a card error as well as allowing you to create and load cards. It doesn’t matter if you open it before or after launching Teknoparrot, but it has to be open before you launch the game.
Once you have YACardEmu on standby, select WMMT3 in Teknoparrot and click Launch Game.
If everything worked A-OK, it should boot into the game without any errors.

If you want to try the game without a card, then you can insert credits, tell the game that you don’t want to use a card and then select to not purchase a card…in that case you will be thrown at the Mode Selection menu.
If you DO want to play with a card but haven’t made one yet though, you first choose that you don’t have a card, and then purchase a card in the right screen [if you don’t have credits inserted on this screen, it will auto select it if you insert two more – if Free Play is enabled then you can just select the option yourself].
You can see me go through that progress on the first minutes of this video, which is from the first time I booted the game.
I recommend you to set Retire to Yes in your profile. If you want to leave a gameplay session early, you can turn around and drive the wrong way for 3 seconds to get out.
Otherwise…you’ll have to wait for the time to run out or the other racer to finish, which can take a few minutes since this game gives you a set amount of time without extensions as you play [except for Ghost Battle].

Whenever you are done with a race, the game will ask whether you want to continue or not. Insert more credits and keep playing if you do, but if you don’t, then choose No and wait until the Game Over screen.
You will see the game ejecting the card before that screen, so it is good for safety measures to wait until that happens [and get the Game Over screen] to make sure that your card saved properly.
Whenever you have a card created and want to play again with it, just press the Insert Card button in the “Do you have a Card?” screen and wait for the game to recognize it. It will take a second or two, but make sure to only push it ONCE and wait.
Once the game reads it, it will take you to the Card data confirmed screen – where you can move between pages until you find the settings for your card, and then proceed to keep playing the game.
Note that Ghost Battle will only appear as a mode if you are playing with a card. And of course, the place where you set YACardEmu to save the card will have the card.bin containing your saved data – in case you want to swap it for another one or back it up.
That was pretty much my process on setting up the game, but I know that a few things could be either easy to make mistakes on [setting up TP and game files] or aren’t explained in a simple way [the YACardEmu setup], so I wanted to write this guide to help anyone curious to try out this game to be able to play it.
The one thing I don’t know yet, as I haven’t tried it to confirm because I don’t have the means [a second PC], is whether playing the game with others through LAN works – and how to set that up if it does. But otherwise, the game should be fully playable like this.
I have a playlist setup for when I make progress in the Story Mode, so you can watch me roll around it with keyboard there – but at this point I’m sure you are more than eager to go and race at Wangan yourself.
Have a good one :]